The realities of WASH in Africa
Following on from my last blog, where I mentioned the dichotomy between reports and realities of the quality of water and sanitation, this blog will be looking at the realities on the ground; faecal contamination of water, differentiation in supply and data inadequacies. Only 8 years until the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are due to be achieved, and there is still major progress to be made. Especially in terms of water and sanitation, addressed by SDG6 . In Africa in 2020 , only 39% of people used safely managed drinking water and 27% used safely managed sanitation. Therefore, in order to meet the SDGs by 2030, there needs to be 12 times increase in the rate of progress on safely managed drinking water and 20 times increase for safely managed sanitation! Africa, particularly Sub-Sahara Africa, needs to be at the forefront of improving water and sanitation systems, as these regions currently face the least delivery, shown by Figure 1. Figure 1: Percenta...